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California Child Custody

Blog image of Three times parents may need to modify a California custody order

Three times parents may need to modify a California custody order

A California custody order addresses parental rights and responsibilities. It includes an overall breakdown of parenting time or physical custody. It also allocates decision-making authority or legal custody. There is a general expectation that parents should follow...

A child California custody plan that many kids love

When a set of California parents go through a divorce, it takes a toll on the kids. One thing that is challenging for children who are coping with divorce is having to travel back and forth between two households, keeping track of personal belongings, school supplies, sports equipment, and more. That is why many families today are choosing a unique…

When can a child’s wishes influence California custody orders?

The best-case scenario for custody matters in California involves mutual agreement between parents. When the adults in the family agree on the best way of dividing parenting time and parental authority, they can establish their own custody arrangements. However, custody can be a very emotional matter. Parents may have a very difficult time agreeing on specific terms and may fight…

How do the California courts divide custody in a divorce?

People preparing for divorce often find that they have many issues to address as part of that process. For many spouses, property division can be the most serious concern, as spouses worry about what community property rules might mean for their future financial stability. If there are minor children in the family, then custody matters could easily become the most…

The Effects of Divorce on Children

Divorce tends to be stressful for everyone involved. Even the most amicable separation usually involves changes in living arrangements and complex emotions. Unfortunately, this process is stressful for children as well. The effects of divorce on children vary greatly. Everything from the age of your child to their personality will play a significant role in how they handle this time…

Supervised visitation in a California child custody case

Parents navigating divorce in California are faced with many decisions regarding their children. Regardless of the issues that led to the breakdown of a marriage, parents want what is best for their kids. In some cases, a concerned parent might believe that supervised visitation should be implemented in a child custody plan. There are several reasons why a parent might…

Is shared child custody in California always best?

When parents divorce, they are faced with many decisions. These may include whether to sell the marital home, where the kids will live and who will have parental decision-making authority. If the parents can’t agree, a family court judge will make those decisions on their behalf. Once a child custody order is in place in California, both parents must adhere…

Should California parents share a home for child custody?

You’ve decided to file for divorce rather than stay in an unhappy marriage. Like all good parents, you want what is best for your children and are hopeful that you and your spouse can achieve a settlement that causes your kids the least amount of disruption possible in their daily lives. For child custody purposes, you may want to consider…

Leaving California with a child following a divorce?

When a set of California parents sign a child custody agreement, they are each obligated to adhere to the terms, unless and until the judge overseeing the case modifies the court order. For example, if a parent is paying child support but loses a job, the parent is still obligated to make support payments on time, unless he or she…

Possible benefits of effective coparenting for kids in California

When facing the end of a marriage, many parents in California may have understandable concerns about how the process might affect their children. If you and your soon-to-be former spouse have kids, you may both share a common desire to take every possible step to meet their needs and protect their interests. Creating an amicable parenting plan may play a…

