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Washington Divorce

Blog image of When mental health is a concern in a Washington divorce

When mental health is a concern in a Washington divorce

Each couple preparing for divorce in Washington has unique circumstances. Every household is different, and every family has specific issues to address. Some people eventually decide to divorce because of a spouse's mental health challenges. Perhaps a loved one's...

Digital evidence and divorce in Washington: what is it and what does it mean?

Your digital footprints can reveal a lot about your life. If you scroll through the settings on your phone, you may find a growing digital trail of breadcrumbs. Even the most tech-savvy can miss something on their phone that can be utilized as evidence in a divorce or custody case. Here are a few of the major types of digital…

How families look always changes, do Washington’s laws still work?

Over the decades, families have changed significantly in structure and makeup. Family law has, at times, struggled to keep up. In just the last ten years, gay marriage was nationally legalized, trans rights have become a major focus and adoption and fertility practices have come under scrutiny. The changes in society always outpace legislation in some ways, but laws in…

How can a forensics accountant help in a Washington divorce?

Washington operates under community property guidelines when a married couple decides to part ways. Spouses must split all marital assets and liabilities 50/50 as part of a settlement. This can lead to complications in a divorce if one spouse is trying to beat the system by hiding assets. If you suspect your ex of stashing cash or attempting to manipulate…

Be on guard when you divorce a narcissist in Washington

When a pair of Washington spouses ends their relationship, it’s not uncommon for them to encounter challenges as they negotiate a settlement. This is especially true for spouses who are parents together. Divorce is never easy, but it’s possible to achieve a fair settlement in an amicable fashion when both parties are willing to cooperate and compromise as needed. But…

Friendly Exes – When You’re Separated but Living Together

Friendly Exes? How to Manage When You Are Separated but Living Together Splitting up doesn’t always mean moving out. Many spouses find themselves separated but living together. This arrangement can be due to financial reasons, family stability, or simply a step in the transition towards divorce. In this article, we’ll cover some of the biggest challenges of being separated but…

I just moved to Washington— can I divorce here?

Whether you’ve moved for work, family, or simply a change of scenery, transitioning to a new state comes with a host of considerations—especially if you’re contemplating a divorce. While you can get a divorce in Washington State as a new resident, there are several steps you must take to establish residency. How to establish residency in Washington? Washington is unique…

10 legal terms you need to know for Washington divorce court

Navigating the family justice system when you decide to end a marriage can be stressful and confusing. It is best to learn as much as you can ahead of time, so that you can make informed decisions and understand the terminology you hear during legal proceedings. There are at least 10 (and probably many more) legal terms to know when…

Same Sex Divorce – Navigating Alimony, Child Custody, and More

In 2015, the United States Supreme Court ruled that every state must allow same-sex couples to be legally married. That decision in the Obergefell vs. Hodges case granted marriage equality to couples who’d historically had to settle for civil unions and domestic partnerships. The right to marry also comes with the right to divorce. Same-sex couples get divorced at about…

What are the elements of an uncontested Washington divorce?

An uncontested divorce, or a simple or agreed divorce, occurs when both spouses agree on all terms of their separation. This sounds simple, but if there is even one point that you can’t resolve, an uncontested divorce is already ruled out for you. What, exactly, do you need to agree on? You must agree on every part of your divorce,…

