Divorcing your spouse when they live overseas is not as difficult as you may believe. While it is a bit more complicated, logistically, the divorce process is functionally the same as for two people who live in California. However, there are some points that you should remember, such as:
Effective notification and response
When you file for divorce, your spouse must receive notification and have the ability to respond to the divorce filing. This is an essential aspect of all divorces, so it is incumbent on you and your representation to notify them.
Additionally, formal service of divorce papers will be more complicated, if only because all overseas notifications are complex. This can be a challenging prospect, but it is not impossible.
Reciprocity between countries
According to the US Department of State, no international treaty between the US and any country dictates divorce reciprocity. However, most individual states recognize divorces from other countries, provided that there was an opportunity for notification and response.
Uncertain reciprocity can mean that while you could divorce in the US, there is a remote possibility that your divorce is not recognized in every country. This can cause additional difficulties if you travel abroad.
Foreign asset division
Additionally, the division of assets overseas can be highly fraught if your soon-to-be-ex files divorce in a country with vastly different property division laws.
Highly complex individual issues, just like any other divorce
Fundamentally, a divorce that crosses international lines will be different from one that does not. But every divorce is different and complicated, and that is why it is crucial to secure skilled, compassionate family law representation.