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Strategic Approach, Optimistic Outcomes In Family Law

California Property Division

Addressing real estate properties in a California divorce

It might not be uncommon for many couples to acquire various types of assets over the course of their marriages. While items such as bank and retirement accounts and motor vehicles may be common examples of such assets, some couples may also hold considerable wealth in real estate properties. If you and your spouse decide to invest in real estate,…

Protecting assets in a California divorce

Understandably, finances are a top priority when a couple decides to end their marriage. This is especially true when they have children. There is nothing selfish or wrong with wanting to protect one’s assets in a California divorce, and there are several ways to do so. There are two types of property in a California divorce. Community property typically includes…

Can an inheritance play a role in a California divorce?

The process of untangling marital finances and dividing assets and wealth can be one of the most daunting aspects of dissolving a marriage. If you are facing a divorce, you might have questions about what to expect and about whether assets such as an inheritance might play a role in the process. Inheritances are typically separate assets regardless of whether…

Addressing the topic of foreign assets in a California divorce

Preparing to dissolve a marriage can be stressful and intimidating under any situation, and there may be a variety of challenging factors to address during a similar life change. If you and your spouse maintain considerable wealth and assets, there may be a variety of complex factors to consider while preparing for this process. One example of a topic that…

Understanding the role of digital assets in a California divorce

It might come as no surprise that the idea of dividing marital wealth can seem one of the most imposing aspects of going through the end of your marriage. Preparing to identify and properly value all types of marital wealth may prove vital to preparing for this process, but this might not always be a simple task. One topic that…

Mistakes to avoid when splitting assets during a California divorce

Preparing to dissolve a marriage can be stressful and harrowing, and you might experience a variety of emotions when facing a similar change in life circumstances. Creating a strategy for what comes next might seem somewhat overwhelming at times, but it could also be essential, as the outcome of your situation could have a significant impact on your life. With…

Uncovering hidden assets during a California divorce

There may be a multitude of vital topics to address when facing the end of a marriage, and the outcome of the situation could impact numerous aspects of your life. As you approach a similar life change, you may have several questions about what to expect from and how best to prepare for the process. While the factors that might…

Property issues in a California divorce

During marriage, you no doubt shared things with your spouse. You may have shared a vehicle, for instance, or a jointly held bank account. In fact, it’s common in marriage for spouses to share most everything. When you filed for divorce in a California court, however, you activated a process wherein all of your marital property must be divided between…

