Envision Family Law
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Envision Family Law
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Strategic Approach, Optimistic Outcomes In Family Law

Bellevue Emergency Action And Emergency Custody Lawyers

When Washington parents contact our firm with concerns about their safety or their child’s well-being, we act to ensure their protection. Our attorneys at Envision Family Law have unmatched knowledge of obtaining emergency custody orders, protection orders and restraining orders. We have experience securing these orders within hours and are ready to support clients in Bellevue and throughout Washington state. For urgent assistance, contact our firm at 888-786-8628 or by email.

What Types Of Emergency Actions Can The Bellevue Attorneys At Envision Family Law Assist With?

Our team of attorneys at Envision Family Law is available seven days a week to advocate for and offer legal protection to families in need of emergency support. The following are a few emergency legal actions our firm can assist you with:

  • Orders of protection: We can help victims file for a protection order and gather evidence to prevent the alleged abuser from continuing to make contact.
  • Restraining orders: Our lawyers can potentially guide victims through obtaining and securing a restraining order within hours.
  • Emergency custody orders: When a child is in danger due to a parent’s actions, we offer protection and immediately work to receive an emergency custody order.

When you feel that you or your child are in immediate danger, there is no time to hesitate. Our attorneys are always ready to offer our services and protect our clients.

How Can You Get An Emergency Custody Order?

Your child’s safety is your biggest concern as a parent. If you believe your child is in immediate danger, there are three steps to take to obtain an emergency custody order, including:

  • Filing a petition
  • Providing evidence
  • Attending the hearing

During the hearing, a judge will review the facts presented and make a decision within a few days or hours. For added reassurance, consider working with an experienced child custody lawyer during this process.

What Are The Differences Between Protection Orders And Restraining Orders?

Protective orders and restraining orders are two similar legal tools. The main difference is that protection orders are used in criminal cases and are designed to protect victims from abuse or violence while restraining orders are used in civil cases. Both orders are usually granted to prevent the abuser from continuing certain behaviors, such as contacting, threatening or abusing the victim.

Local Bellevue Emergency Action Lawyers Available For 24/7 Calling And Texting

If you feel that you or your child are in danger, we can help as soon as possible. For immediate and empathetic guidance, contact our attorneys at 888-786-8628 or email our staff.