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Strategic Approach, Optimistic Outcomes In Family Law

Washington Military Divorce

3 things to know about divorce in the military when living in Washington

If you’re a parent who is a U.S. service member or are married to someone serving in the military in Washington, you no doubt understand how challenging it can be to balance the rigors of military duties with family life. Married couples with one or both spouses in the armed forces experience the typical types of issues that non-military couples…

Are deployments damaging marriages?

The life of a servicemember is difficult. At a moment’s notice, they can find themselves deployed on the other side of the world for significant stretches of time. Meanwhile, their spouses remain at home, hoping for the day when they return. The growing number of military divorces According to statistics, that devotion only goes so far. Military families represent a…

Getting divorced in the military in Washington State

In Washington and beyond, members of the U.S. military are to be commended for their service. Their spouses and children also make great sacrifices for the good of the country. Like all married couples, those that involve a military service member and a non-enlisted spouse often go through tough times, especially if deployment occurs. In many cases, the strain on…

What should you know about military divorce?

At Envision Family Law, we represent people in Washington in family law matters. Perhaps no group is more in need of thoughtful, sensitive representation than military members and their families facing divorce. Divorce, and other family law issues, have significant complexities when they involve a military member and we routinely resolve such questions as: What is different about a military…

Military Divorce: The 10-year rule and how it applies to you

Divorce cases can get more complex when one spouse is in the military. Dividing assets can be particularly confusing during military divorce. One of the most commonly misunderstood issues is how to divide up a military pension. When considering how to divide up a service member’s pension in divorce cases, the “Ten-Year Rule” or “10/10 rule” often comes up and…

Should You Use The SCRA In Family Court?

I hear a lot of questions about how the Service Members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) can impact  divorce proceedings or obligations relating to post-divorce arrangements, such as child custody. Before deciding to utilize the SCRA in your upcoming divorce proceeding, it is wise to consider how it might impact the outcome of your divorce case. Usually, it is best to…

