Do You Need A Lawyer For An Uncontested Divorce In Washington?
Divorce can be a difficult process that is challenging for both spouses and any children involved. However, not all divorces resort to emotional or legal boxing matches. When spouses can compromise and keep an open line of communication throughout the process, they are able to retain control over the decision-making process as opposed to leaving it all up to the trial judge.
What Is An Uncontested Divorce?
When divorcing spouses agree on all terms of their marriage dissolution, they can pursue what’s regarded as an uncontested divorce. Also referred to as “simplified divorces,” uncontested divorces are arrangements available to couples with or without children that are typically less expensive than their contested alternative. In these cases, the state of Washington offers a simplified process to achieve what’s called divorce by agreement. The following is a list of significant issues that must be resolved before filing an uncontested divorce action in the Evergreen State:
- Child custody and visitation
- Child support, including health and dental insurance coverage
- Alimony or spousal support
- Division of assets and debts
Legal Representation And Uncontested Divorce Process In Washington
You can navigate uncontested divorce alone, or you can do it with the assistance of a licensed professional. If you get representation, the lawyer you do decide on cannot represent both of you. While the divorce may be civil in nature, each spouse will have their own unique interests. Therefore, ethical principles come into play that require a lawyer to represent only one of the parties.
Seeking Representation For Your Uncontested Divorce? Contact Envision Family Law Today!
While couples with few marital assets and liabilities may fit the bill for an uncontested divorce, the process is not exclusive to only the cut-and-dry arrangements. Couples with children, pets, and substantial marital property can still pursue an uncontested process. Regardless, hiring an experienced lawyer to help negotiate the terms of an uncontested divorce can make the entire process as painless as possible. For more information about our divorce attorneys, call us at 888-786-8628 or email us today.