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Strategic Approach, Optimistic Outcomes In Family Law


Blog image of Can you get a divorce while your spouse is deployed in California?

Can you get a divorce while your spouse is deployed in California?

The simple answer is yes. If the military deploys your spouse overseas, you can still pursue and finalize a divorce. However, there is a law in place that offers some complications to the process, the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). This is a federal act and...

Blog image of Is a home ever separate property in a California divorce?

Is a home ever separate property in a California divorce?

Individuals preparing for divorce often take stock of their financial circumstances as they plan. They need to know what assets they can utilize when rebuilding their lives after the divorce. Most couples that share a marital home have a joint ownership interest in...

Blog image of Adoption is a unique journey for every family

Adoption is a unique journey for every family

There are always children in the world in need of parents. There are always loving couples in the world seeking to make a home for a child in need. But those aren’t the only shapes of adoptive families, as no two adoptions look anything alike, and no two face the same...

Blog image of How can substance abuse affect a California divorce

How can substance abuse affect a California divorce?

Numerous personal factors can potentially complicate an upcoming California divorce. In some cases, divorces occur in no small part due to the misconduct of one spouse. In such scenarios, people often have questions about how inappropriate behavior could influence the...

Helping your kids with their feelings about your California divorce

Children suffer during acrimonious divorces just as much as they would suffer during conflict-high marriages. It can be a major challenge for a child to watch their parents’ divorce, but as the parent, you want to find a way to make that process easier on them. Here...

What are your responsibilities as a guardian in California?

A child losing both parents can be a daunting and emotional experience. Without their parents, someone needs to step in and make important decisions about their care and well-being. A guardian takes on this vital role to ensure their loved one receives the support...

When can one spouse proceed with default divorce in California?

Most divorces proceed in one of two ways. The spouses may negotiate a settlement or rely on terms set in a marital agreement forward with an uncontested divorce filing. If they don’t already agree on terms, then they can litigate. Each spouse may request certain terms and present evidence to the courts for a family law judge to consider. Most…

