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Are deployments damaging marriages?

| Mar 8, 2023 | Washington, Washington Military Divorce

The life of a servicemember is difficult. At a moment’s notice, they can find themselves deployed on the other side of the world for significant stretches of time. Meanwhile, their spouses remain at home, hoping for the day when they return.

The growing number of military divorces

According to statistics, that devotion only goes so far. Military families represent a much higher divorce rate than the civilian population. The stress of deployment and the psychological and physical impact of active duty weighs heavily on families.

The fallout has created a large demographic of military divorces much higher than the civilian population. Approximately one-fifth of marriages with a servicemember ultimately end in divorce.

Beyond the above factors that can lead to dissolution, other circumstances unique to military life can also play a role. Financial issues are near the top of the reasons that military marriages end. In addition to the pay scale involved in the job, finding work in civilian job markets presents challenges.

Additional obstacles include:

  • Communication issues created by a significant distance
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that can wreak havoc on the strongest of unions
  • Multiple moves around the country and world, with many relocating every two to three years
  • Significantly high rates of infidelity due to lengthy separations
  • Minimal social support for military couples, resulting in isolation from family and friends

Some critics claim that the military is anti-marriage and in direct conflict with family law. While some would argue that the conclusion is misleading, evidence exists to the contrary.

Regardless of the circumstances that ended a military marriage, help from an attorney with experience in this specific area of divorce law can be a valuable ally as you plan for the next chapter of your life.

