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Reviewing tax return documents during a divorce in California

On Behalf of | Mar 18, 2024 | California, California Divorce

Preparing to identify all types of marital property and wealth can be one of the most complex aspects of dissolving a marriage. When facing a similar change in life, you might not be certain about what steps you can take to improve your financial awareness and help you become organized as you prepare to navigate the subsequent process.

Part of preparing to identify marital assets could involve knowing what types of documents to gather prior to entering legal proceedings. Tax returns are just one type of document that could help you better understand what is at stake and help you prepare to create a strategy for what comes next that focuses on preserving your future interests.

Why is this important?

There may be a variety of reasons why reviewing tax return documents can be integral when preparing to dissolve a marriage. Some types of information you might find in these documents could include:

  • Income sources: These documents can include detailed information on all sources of marital income, including anything from yearly wages and salary to contributions to retirement funds.
  • Pension accounts: Reviewing tax returns may also be integral to identifying types of marital property, such as pension accounts and annuities. Similar types of assets can play a significant role in the divorce process.
  • Capital gains: Tax documents can also include details on any capital gains or capital losses stemming from the sale of certain assets. Knowing how this could apply to your situation may also be imperative.
  • Business assets: If there is a business involved, reviewing tax documents could also be integral to identifying information on business assets and on topics such as business income deductions.

Tax return documents may also include information on additional sources of income, such as interest and dividends, IRA distributions or even income from unusual sources such as prizes.

Preparing to protect your future

Reviewing recent tax return documents may be one example of a vital step to take when preparing to dissolve a marriage . Such documents could help provide you with an abundance of useful information that could prove essential to properly identifying all types of marital property. Seeking advice on how to use this information when creating a strategy for legal proceedings could play a vital role in helping you prepare to protect your interests and approach the next stage of your life in California with peace of mind.

