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Fighting for visitation rights as a California parent

On Behalf of | Aug 22, 2022 | California, California Child Custody

It may come as no surprise that child custody can be one of the toughest aspects of California family law, as parents may feel it is vital to take every possible step to safeguard the well-being of the kids. In a perfect world, you and the other parent might work together toward this common goal, but things don’t always go as planned.

Should the other parent fail to comply with the terms of a custody order and refuse visitation, you might be uncertain of how best to handle the situation. Understanding your options and the steps to take to enforce your child custody order could prove integral to protecting your rights to visitation.

Enforcing a custody order

There may be few things in life as stressful as being denied your right to spend time with your children, and some examples of steps to take when facing similar challenges in life may include:

  • Rights and options: Understanding your visitation rights per the child custody agreement and knowing the outlets via which to resolve custody disputes may be integral to protecting your interests.
  • Document the situation: When similar issues arise, it may be beneficial to keep a detailed record on the matter, such as times and dates of visitation refusal and any other relevant information.
  • A court date: In some cases, it may be necessary to take the matter to court, and knowing what to expect from a hearing regarding denied visitation could be helpful in preparing to protect your rights.
  • Notify the authorities: If the other parent refuses visitation, you could also consider notifying the police, as they may also have the power to enforce a custody order.

It may also be helpful to seek insight on California state child custody laws. This information may influence your options and the steps to take to enforce a custody order.

Navigating the process

While there may be options available to help you address a violation of visitation rights, knowing how best to approach the situation can be a stressful and daunting concept. Fortunately, this isn’t something you have to face alone, and seeking guidance from someone with intricate knowledge of such matters could help you better prepare to make informed choices about the situation. In doing so, you could gain much needed insight on your options and in preparing to fight for your visitation rights via the proper channels.

