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Dress for success in a child custody case

On Behalf of | May 19, 2023 | California, California Child Custody

You might not think it really matters what you wear to court when you and your ex are battling over your kids in a divorce. What you choose as attire for California court proceedings can (and likely will) influence a family court judge’s decision. Like it or not, what you wear to a child custody hearing is going to make a positive or negative impression. If you’re hoping to win your case, you’ll aim for a positive one.

You can look at the situation from two perspectives: what to wear to court or what not to wear. Considering both ideas is probably the best course of action. If you want the judge to grant you custody of your children, you must demonstrate that you can fulfill the responsibility. Choosing your courtroom attire wisely may increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

Good clothing options for a child custody case

The following list provides a basic list of acceptable attire for a courtroom when you are a parent in a child custody case:

  • Business casual styles
  • Skirt to or below the knee
  • Flat-heeled shoes
  • Dress slacks
  • Collared shirt (preferably with a tie)
  • Blazer coat

It’s best to avoid tight-fitting clothing, high heels, saggy pants, blue jeans, t-shirts or other casual attire. If you wouldn’t wear your outfit to an important business meeting or job interview, then you might want to choose something else.

Attire or appearance issues that may prevent you from entering the court

If you go to court to try to win a child custody case in a California divorce, you must convince the judge that your children would be better off in your custody than they would with their other parent. Not only can a sloppy or too casual of an appearance work against you, the judge may prohibit you from entering the courtroom because of the issues listed here:

  • Pants sagging below the belt line
  • Midriff exposed
  • Wearing a hat
  • Sleeveless top
  • See-through fabric
  • Offensive words or graphics on clothing

Your overall appearance should be clean, neat and well-groomed. You’ll want your attire to be respectful and professional looking.

Child custody proceedings are not an occasion to express yourself

There are appropriate places to show off your unique style and personality. A California courtroom is not one of them. If you want the judge to rule in your favor, you must demonstrate your ability to handle custody. If you’re unsure whether the clothing you have in mind is appropriate for court, visit the court’s website to check for a posted dress code.

