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Addressing real estate properties in a California divorce

On Behalf of | Jan 10, 2024 | California, California Property Division

It might not be uncommon for many couples to acquire various types of assets over the course of their marriages. While items such as bank and retirement accounts and motor vehicles may be common examples of such assets, some couples may also hold considerable wealth in real estate properties.

If you and your spouse decide to invest in real estate, you may own real estate properties in various parts of California. Should you decide to take separate paths in life, these properties could have a substantial impact on the outcome of your situation, and addressing such factors may be a vital step to preparing for the subsequent process.

Types of real estate

Real estate properties are types of assets that could prove a point of contention during the end of a marriage. Some prevalent types of such properties might include the following:

  • Residential real estate: Assets such as the family home and vacation properties are common examples of residential properties that could play a significant role during your divorce.
  • Land parcels: Real estate properties can also take on the form of patches of undeveloped land. As land parcels can hold significant value, addressing your options regarding such assets might be vital.
  • Rental units: Rental properties are another common type of real estate investments. This could include anything from apartment complexes and townhouses to condominium units.
  • Storage facilities: Another type of real estate investment could pertain to storage units, such as indoor units used to store personal items or outdoor areas used to store assets such as vehicles or boats.
  • Commercial property: You and the other party could also hold significant wealth in commercial real estate investments, whether this includes retail outlets, office buildings or hotel chains.

This may only cover a few types of real estate properties that could be a significant factor during your divorce, and seeking advice on every topic to address regarding such assets could prove imperative.

Preparing for the divorce process

The topic of real estate properties is just one example of a complex factor to consider when facing the end of a marriage . While this might seem a daunting task, you don’t have to face this alone. Seeking guidance in navigating every step of this process could help you better prepare to make informed choices about your situation. Such a decision could play a vital role in helping you understand what is on the line and help you prepare to seek the best outcome possible regarding your future in California.

