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What should you know about adoption?

| Aug 3, 2021 | Washington, Washington Adoption

Helping loving families provide children in need of a home and security is one of our proudest moments at Envision Family Law. Adoption isn’t easy and if you’re considering adoption to grow your family, you may have several questions that require immediate answers.

What is the process for adoption?

The Washington Department of Children Youth and Families (DCYF) has a 6-step guide on their website, walking prospective parents through the highly involved process. However, the guide is a starting place. Any honest discussion of adoption can and should include the perspective of a skilled family law attorney.

Do I need an agency for an adoption in Washington state?

If you seek an international adoption, your most likely option is through a private or independent adoption agency. If international adoption isn’t necessary for you, you may also adopt a child through the DCYF. DCYF adoptions come with perhaps more restrictions and complications than you might get through an agency.

Adoption agencies largely negotiate between biological parents seeking to give up their children. Children adopted through the DCYF are children no longer able to live with their parents. These are vastly different populations, and both deserve caring, compassionate parents.

What should I know about international adoption vs. domestic adoption?

International adoption has been an option for couples for some time. International adoption may allow you a bit more control of the process or younger children, but you may have significant international law concerns to negotiate.

Should I adopt my stepchild?

This is often a well-intended action for an adoring stepparent. It’s a way for you as a stepparent to have rights regarding your spouse’s children and ensure they are a part of your estate. Whether or not you should adopt a stepchild, however, is not an answer we can provide you. It has to make sense for you and your family.

Adoptions are complicated

But so are families. If you wish to pursue adoption, our attorneys are here to answer any other questions you have.

