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Tips to cheer yourself up during divorce

| Apr 22, 2022 | Washington, Washington Divorce

Divorce has a way of taking the starch out of even the strongest women’s sails. It doesn’t even matter if you were the party who wanted and initiated the process. Divorce has a way of bringing long-forgotten emotions bubbling to the surface of our psyches.

It is perfectly normal to take a little while to bounce back to your former sunny self after such a split. If you are finding it a bit difficult, the following tips may be helpful.

Change your shared passwords

Married couples often share passwords to email accounts and subscription services. If you have not already done so, change all of your passwords immediately. In some cases, it might be wise to open new accounts altogether.

Change your name (if you choose)

While some divorced women with children with their exes prefer to keep their ex-husbands’ last names for the sake of continuity, others are happy to revert to their maiden names. In most cases, you will need to bring a certified copy of your divorce judgment along with you to the Office of Motor Vehicles to change the last name on your driver’s license.

Update your wardrobe

It’s not a good idea to break the bank and splurge like you won the lottery, but there is nothing wrong with treating yourself to a few classic pieces. A little black dress and a good pair of heels is always in style. Choose well and you can go from the office to a dinner date simply by accessorizing your outfit. Watch for post-holiday sales at all your favorite shops.

Sport a new ‘do

Did you get used to keeping your hair long because your husband liked it that way? If so, one good way to declare your independence is to chop it off. Getting a sleek bob or short cap of curls makes it crystal clear that there’s a new you on display. Don’t forget to take plenty of pictures to post online and place in cute frames around your home.

Get (or renew) a passport

Even if you’ve never left the state of Washington before, it doesn’t mean that you can’t. Simply possessing a valid U.S. passport can spark the wanderlust in your soul and lead you to search online for your perfect solo vacation destination.

Get counseling referrals

If you are still feeling blue after some time has passed from your divorce being finalized, ask your primary care physician for a referral for some short-term counseling to help you put the divorce experience in perspective and get back to your cheery self once again.

